I turn 26 on on Wednesday.
Life is ok, new job is good i need to make sure I keep new secondment job,
Highlights of my life include sleep and watching illegally downloaded sketch shows from the early 90's
I'm having recurring dreams about people I have rooted from my past providing running commentary of my dreas and my sleeping habits.
I am trying my darndest to kick gluten
Flatmate moved out so am frickin broke beyond belief but I have space so much spce
As frickin broke will not be buying myself gift for my birthday ... aww
Oh shit I forgot to mail Christmas presents! um
I still dream about the day where I will buy my own kitchen aid with money I have saved and not used to pay for some other grown up person responsibility (water rates/ hot water tank/ electricity/ tetanus shots)
I still dream about going on a holiday where all I do is sleep and sleep and sleep
I have a twitter and it's updated much more frequently https://twitter.com/why_kiki_why
I'm updating the other blog more often too it's much easier to write about clothes than the goings on of my vj
I'm going to bed... I'll soon officially be in my late twenties...sigh
MUST MAKE Tomato Relish Chutney!
15 hours ago