if you are one of the many people who came here looking to look at me in my outfits go to http://whykikiwhy.blogspot.com/

Friday, July 3

I'm going to go and pick some of those wild stawberries

Cardigan: SARA
Top: Vigilante Labs via Etsy
Skirt: Autograph
Stockings: razzamatazz
Shoes: Evans

I got a package from here, and I'm ever so impressed, I got some wacky printed tanks and even a scratch and sniff one.

I'm also posting this picture as I want my brothers opinion of my new big arse black plastic glasses, I love them but as they say boys don't make passes at girls that wear glasses especially when she purchased them for the specific purpose of looking a bit more dorky.

I do really like the whole outfit today I feel like me but also slightly grownded up.

Now off to make buffalo wings and blue cheese ranch dressing

sigh work tommorrow on a Saturday.

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