if you are one of the many people who came here looking to look at me in my outfits go to http://whykikiwhy.blogspot.com/

Thursday, June 30

Last of the Mohicans... I mean exams

Originally uploaded by kimberly.lives.
Today was my last day of school and the last of my exams for this semester, Yesterday was my assessment on recreating an animal in either face-painting or for theatre and of course because I am a former Drama bitch I selected theatre, it's supposed to be a chameleon, I don't know what to think of it, the photo was taken after my model smudged her lips so it's blurry on the lips

I like to bitch and moan don't I?

Exams are over, Life is over, I want to cry, I want to eat lots of cake and drink lots of tequila and be really self destructive. I really want to

Sunday, June 26

I can sing a rainbow.

I can sing a rainbow.
Originally uploaded by kimberly.lives.
Today waiting for my bus, it always makes me gooey seeing a rainbow. Now off to work!

Thursday, June 23

Guess what

Originally uploaded by kimberly.lives.
Yesterday was an exam at school, we had to design and apply a 'high fashion' make-up inspired by an animal, that was suitable for the cover of 'Italian Vogue' so here is my make-up if you can guess what animal inspired my make-up you will win a million dollars, or my undying love.

I am very happy with the results though.

Now onto my next assignment, when does the pain stop?

Friday, June 17

Today I did a work experience at a fashion parade for a hair college, it was fun, even though it made feel entirely inadequate. But for some reason I maintain a standard that always deems me inadequate, and you know what? I don't mind, simply because being inadequate is quite easy to do. It probably stems from a fear of rejection, after all knowing you will be instantly rejected will help ease a fear of it right?

I'm far too self-analytical today, probably another side-effect of my nadequate feelings.

I have been on wheat binges ever since the weather cooling, I have been bitter, cold and gassy

Stupid minor wheat intolerance why couldn't wheat cause me to die? then I would avoid it, thus, avoiding being an irritable bitch.

Such is life.

Fuck, I'm prolific!

Tuesday, June 14

Bizarre Love Triangle

I have the pet shop boys "Bizarre love Triangle" on constant loop in my head, I just always have loved that song since forever and probably before then. But the last week has cemented it into my skull.

Weddings suck arse, ok I suck arse at weddings but one thing I know is I want to get married just so I can piss a lot of people off.

I want to dissappear for a while and take a holiday.

Strange men keep on staring at me on the street, some even walk up to me and say hello, I just want to know where people especially old ugly people get this confidence from? to approach a stranger and to expect a positive response is amazing and yet time and time again it happens, it must be because I am a fat chick, people must assume I have no self esteem and thus feel more confident with me, or I appear as a desperate slut to every man and his dog?

I now want to dissappear more and more.

Piniata's are the tool of the devil, you have been warned

Somebody runaway with me, we can become gypsies!

I'm tired

Wednesday, June 8

My Wedding

I haven't been online lately because I have been preoccupied with my wedding.

It's in a few hours, I'm nervous, I'm terrified

I have no idea what to do.

Wednesday, June 1

Have you met my younger brother?

make-up 073
Originally uploaded by kimberly.lives.
Ok while deryn was visiting I practised some make-up on him but he looks pretty cool as an old man dontcha think?